At Primrose Hill School, a team of volunteer staff members were presented with the task of creating a school-wide mission statement that encompassed the most important aspects of a successful learning environment. Paddy the Panda was adopted as our school mascot. Students were taught to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible.
In different environments throughout the school (classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, the cafeteria, recess settings, and bus lines), the expectations were explained and modeled by supervising adults. Children in all grades participated and practiced following the three expectations.
The school-wide mission statement is presented on a poster and provides a visual reminder of what is expected of members of the Primrose Hill School learning community. The posters are scattered throughout the building and they are referred to regularly to reinforce and acknowledge appropriate behavior. Bamboo sticks are presented to individuals or to an entire class if they are following the expectations. Currently all children are working toward a school-wide goal and a celebration that will occur with everyone in the building when it is accomplished.